We were inspected in April 2023 and continue to be an Outstanding School, below are some of the reasons why Ofsted judged the school to be outstanding…
Children flourish in this warm and nurturing school. Staff are highly skilled practitioners.
They are expert in knowing how young children learn best.
High expectations are customary for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or
disabilities (SEND)
Provision is exceptional. Rich learning experiences stimulate children’s curiosity to discover
new things
Strong relationships with parents form the bedrock of the school’s success. Parents
welcome and value inclusion in their children’s learning journey. They are highly
complementary of the support they receive.
Leaders are highly reflective. They invest heavily in training and research to ensure their
skills remain current. They use their extensive knowledge effectively to create a fulsome
curriculum across all areas of learning.
Children’s language and communication development is at the heart of all curriculum
planning. Leaders have identified with great precision how children’s knowledge and skills
will build. Staff interactions are of the highest quality.
Leaders are clear about the concepts they want children to know and remember. Opportunities for children to explore and compare are exploited across the wider curriculum.